Monday, March 9, 2009

Topping Out Party

Hotel Indigo reached another milestone on Friday, topping out at five floors. Over 200 people gathered to celebrate, including JM Wilkerson's construction crew and special guests from near and far. As the tradition holds, an evergreen tree was placed atop the completed structure to symbolize growth and bring luck. 

Together we feasted, we toured and we entertained. The celebration opened with UGA student Derrick Southerland's electric guitar performance of "The Star-Spangled Banner" and a roll-down of a large banner announcing that Hotel Indigo Athens is now taking reservations for Fall 2009. The grill was fired up, and the sun was shining brightly upon us.

Many of us climbed the five floors to check out construction and take in views of Athens from the rooftop. See our Topping Out Party album for pictures. Thank you to everyone who made this day possible.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Exciting to see the progress!